Zero Balancing Testimonials - Practitioners
Photo Credit: Giovanni Pescetto
Zero Balancing Clients | Zero Balancing Practitioners“Zero Balancing proceeds from the value that the deepest nature of each person has in it goodness, light and freedom.” –Jim McCormick, L.Ac., Zero Balancing Faculty
“For physical and emotional pain Zero Balancing is the most powerful tool I have to help people feel better.”
–LW, Physical Therapist
“With Zero Balancing I achieve long-term goals more quickly with longer lasting effects.”
–CP, Physical Therapist
“Zero Balancing promotes quieting and centering of the body/mind, much as meditation might do for the skilled meditator.”
–Glenn Rothfeld, M.D., M.Ac., Holistic Healthcare Physician
“Having a ZB session is like hitting the restart button on your computer when programs aren’t working well. We feel that same thing in our bodies and psyches at times. Our bodies feel tight; we feel grumpy; we become less efficient; we are either too tired or our minds are going full tilt. ZB brings us back to center. We feel more like ourselves again.”
–Judith Sullivan, Zero Balancing Faculty
“From my first ZB I course, the instructors stressed the importance of holding the client in the highest personal regard. I have not encountered this in other bodywork training or in my health care training as a nurse. This makes ZB cutting-edge for me.”
–Mary Kay Kinsella, RN, Certified Zero Balancer
“Everyone can receive positive benefits from Zero Balancing. Infants, children and the elderly respond well and many Zero Balancers use the gentle technique on their pets.”
–Cindy Jackson, Certified Zero Balancer and Faculty Candidate
“Zero Balancing is the art and skill of balancing body energy and body structure. It could be called structural and energetic integration. As such it has a fascinating variety of effects. Zero Balancing dramatically enhances one’s posture because it focuses on balancing the skeletal armature deep within us. It is also spiritually profound because it consciously contacts the deepest energy flowing through us – what we call the “universal life flow”, which flows through the bones. It is also deeply calming because underneath the turbulence of our lives, as under the sometimes-turbulent surface of the ocean, there is actually a calm and uncomplicated experience of oneself which we can access.”
–David Lauterstein, LMT, Zero Balancing Faculty
"Zero Balancing can be a sort of nervous system “detox” for those who want to seriously relax from stress in their life and begin to change the way their body responds to stress."
-Kate Chase Ryan, Certified Zero Balancer and Faculty Candidate