
Studying Zero Balancing
Zero Balancing faculty offer in-person classes structured as continuing education intensives for health care professionals. If you want to offer a holistic body-mind practice that incorporates skilled, mindful and compassionate touch, the path to learning Zero Balancing includes:
- the theory and practice of working with body structure and energy
- hands-on instruction in both physical and energetic anatomy and physiology
- learning to work with energy through direct touch to the skeleton and other tissues
- learning, practicing and embodying the ZB session protocol
- giving and receiving ZB sessions
- obtaining feedback from experienced practitioners
Zero Balancing Curriculum & Courses
The study of ZB begins with Core Zero Balancing — taking Zero Balancing I followed by a period of practice and then taking Zero Balancing II. Completing Core Zero Balancing provides a solid foundation to begin to offer ZB sessions and is a prerequisite for most other ZB courses.
We strongly encourage those who want to offer ZB professionally to continue with the ZB Foundations group of courses and to join our Certification Program.
Zero Balancing in-person courses involve substantial hands-on practice. Students experience the benefits of ZB by exchanging work with fellow students, class assistants and also through receiving touch from the instructor. Learning ZB well involves exploration and practice outside of classes. Receiving ZB sessions is a must for students and can accelerate learning. Find practitioners in your area. Students can find additional support through ZB study groups, certified mentors and tutorials with faculty members.
Course Descriptions
See below for groups of courses and links to course descriptions. Search the Events Calendar to find specific offerings, including online programs and special events.
ZB Foundations
These courses define and teach the foundational skills and principles of Zero Balancing. With the exceptions of Introduction to Zero Balancing and the Advancing Skills Day classes, each course satisfies ZBHA Certification requirements.
Introduction to Zero Balancing
Core ZB Program
Zero Balancing I
Zero Balancing II
Form and Fulcrums
Freely Moveable Joints
Alchemy of Touch
Zero Balancing - Geometry of Healing: Advanced Palpation Skills
Core ZB Advancing Skills Day
Freely Moveable Joints Advancing Skills Day
Alchemy of Touch Advancing Skills Day
Zero Balancing - Geometry of Healing: Advancing Skills Day
Advancing ZB Touch Skills
These advanced courses help you to further develop touch skills that enable you to distinguish subtler levels of energy and information held in bone tissue.
Art of Zero Balancing
Form and Fulcrums II
Kinesthetic Signatures of Zero Balancing
Kinesthetic Signatures II
Touching the Whole Person
Fields and Fulcrums
Open Forum
Zero Balancing Expanded Courses
Zero Balancing Expanded (ZBX) is an advanced course of study that applies ZB principles to the skull and the viscera. In ZBX classes, you’ll learn ways to evaluate and balance cranial bones and organs and to incorporate new techniques into your ZB sessions.
Zero Balancing Expanded: Addressing the Viscera
Zero Balancing Expanded: Addressing the Skull
Fabulous Fulcrums
Zero Balancing Expanded: Addressing the Viscera Advancing Skills Day
Zero Balancing Expanded: Addressing the Skull Advancing Skills Day
Specialized Advanced Courses
Cultivate new skills and approaches to balancing body/mind/spirit. These advanced classes focus on enhancing our awareness and presence to better address the individual needs of our clients.
Zero Balancing for Pregnancy and Postpartum
Verbal Fulcrums in Zero Balancing
Verbal Fulcrums in Zero Balancing II
Touching the Whole Person II
Zero Balancing and the Spirit of the Five Elements
Zero Balancing and Outer Bridges: The Pineal Gland and the Heart of ZB
Conferences & Special Events
These exciting events and residential programs offer an opportunity for deeper immersion and community connection.
Annual Zero Balancing Benefit (ZBCB)
ZB by the Sea
Art of ZB Residential
New England Zero Balancing Conference
Mastery in Zero Balancing
CE Broker accepts all Zero Balancing courses approved by NCBTMB
Continuing Education Approvals
Current list of national and state organizations that have approved Zero Balancing courses for continuing education.