Event Calendar

December 1, 2024May 4, 2025 (Full Series) Protocol Review with M. Oruch, Online 
February 20, 2025February 23, 2025 Freely Movable Joints with P. Johnson, IN 
February 20, 2025February 23, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with Roy Capellaro, NY 
February 28, 2025March 3, 2025 Zero Balancing I with Linda Wobeskya, CA 
March 2, 2025
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Protocol Review: The Feet with M. Oruch, Online 
March 2, 2025
3:50 PM - 5:00 PM
First Sunday Virtual ZB with M. Oruch 
March 6, 2025March 9, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with A. King, MA 
March 8, 2025
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
From Individual to Collective: Pathways for Healing Together with M. Murphy and M. Rhoads 
March 8, 2025November 8, 2025 (Full Series) Collective Healing Practices for Trauma, Activism and Inclusion with M. Murphy and M. Rhoads 
March 13, 2025March 16, 2025 Form & Fulcrums I, with M. Oruch, Spain 
March 16, 2025
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Third Sunday Open Forum - The Joy of Zero Balancing with Alan Hext 
March 20, 2025March 23, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with S-E Anderson, NH 
March 20, 2025March 23, 2025 Freely Movable Joints with C. Allred VA 
March 22, 2025
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
ZB Expanded: Skull Advancing Skills Day, with L. Berger & A. King, MA 
March 23, 2025
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
ZB Expanded: Viscera Advancing Skills Day with L. Berger, A. King, MA 
March 27, 2025March 30, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with L Bardarson, PA 
April 3, 2025April 6, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with M. Doucette, VT 
April 3, 2025April 6, 2025 Alchemy of Touch, with M. Murphy, WI 
April 3, 2025April 6, 2025 Zero Balancing II, with J. McCormick, MD 
April 3, 2025April 6, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with M. Doucette, VT 
April 3, 2025April 6, 2025 ZB Expanded: Addressing the Skull with L Berger & A King, MD 
April 6, 2025
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Protocol Review: Upper Back & Neck with M. Oruch, Online 
April 6, 2025
3:50 PM - 5:00 PM
First Sunday Virtual ZB with M. Oruch 
April 16, 2025
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Candidate Cafe: Empowering Your ZB Certification Journey 
April 20, 2025
3:50 PM - 5:00 PM
Third Sunday Open Forum - How Do You Know When You Need to Improvise? with Judith Sullivan 
April 24, 2025April 27, 2025 Form & Fulcrums I with M. Oruch, OR 
April 24, 2025April 27, 2025 ZB Expanded: Addressing the Viscera, with H LeClair, AZ 
April 27, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Candidate Cafe: Empowering Your ZB Certification Journey 
April 30, 2025May 4, 2025 Zero Balancing I, J. Johnson at Joyful Journey, CO 
May 1, 2025May 4, 2025 Zero Balancing II with Amanda King, MA 
May 2, 2025May 5, 2025 Zero Balancing II with L. Wobeskya, CA 
May 3, 2025May 4, 2025 Zero Balancing and the Spirit of the 5 Elements with M. Doucette, VT 
May 4, 2025
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Protocol Review: Arms and Closing Sequence with M. Oruch, Online 
May 4, 2025
3:50 PM - 5:00 PM
First Sunday Virtual ZB with M. Oruch 
May 6, 2025May 13, 2025 Zero Balancing I with L. Bardarson, Costa Rica 
May 6, 2025May 12, 2025 The Art of Zero Balancing with J. McCormick and M. Oruch, CA 
May 15, 2025May 18, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with J. McCormick, CO 
May 15, 2025May 18, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with S-E Anderson, NH 
May 18, 2025
3:50 PM - 5:00 PM
Third Sunday Open Forum - The Hedonic Dance of ZB with Charles Gilliam 
May 21, 2025May 25, 2025 Geometry of Healing, with J. McCormick, UK 
May 23, 2025May 26, 2025 Zero Balancing I, W. S. Tribelhorn & L. Berger, NY 
May 28, 2025June 1, 2025 Freely Movable Joints, with J. Johnson and J. Carmody, CO 
May 28, 2025June 1, 2025 Touching The Whole Person with J. McCormick, Switzerland 
May 29, 2025May 31, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with D. Waggy, IN 
May 29, 2025June 1, 2025 Zero Balancing II, with B. Peirson and J. Sargent, MA 
June 5, 2025June 8, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with M. Doucette, VT 
June 5, 2025June 8, 2025 Zero Balancing II with L Bardarson, PA 
June 5, 2025June 8, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with M. Behrens, IN 
June 12, 2025June 15, 2025 Geometry of Healing with M. Doucette, VT 
June 19, 2025June 22, 2025 Alchemy of Touch with M. Oruch, MD 
July 17, 2025July 20, 2025 ZB Expanded: Addressing the Viscera, with L Berger & A King 
August 13, 2025August 17, 2025 Expanding Perception: Kinesthethic Signatures in the Body with Linda Wobeskya, CO 
August 14, 2025August 17, 2025 Zero Balancing II, with S-E Anderson, NH 
August 21, 2025August 24, 2025 Form & Fulcrums I with M. Oruch, VT 
September 4, 2025September 7, 2025 ZB Expanded: Addressing the Skull - A King & H LeClair, CO 
September 11, 2025September 14, 2025 Freely Moveable Joints with L Berger & M Lavery, MA 
September 13, 2025
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Embodied Activism: A Trauma Sensitive Approach to Healing Communities with M. Murphy and M. Rhoads 
September 18, 2025September 21, 2025 Zero Balancing Il, with M. Doucette, VT 
September 25, 2025September 28, 2025 Zero Balancing II, with M. Murphy, IA 
September 26, 2025September 29, 2025 Zero Balancing I with L. Wobeskya, CA 
October 6, 2025October 12, 2025 Zero Balancing I and II, with D. Lauterstein, ME 
October 8, 2025October 13, 2025 Mastery: Transformation in Zero Balancing with J. McCormick and M. Murphy, MA 
October 9, 2025October 12, 2025 Alchemy of Touch with M Doucette VT 
October 18, 2025
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
2025 Zero Balancing Community Benefit: Mark Your Calendar! 
October 22, 2025October 25, 2025 The Art of Zero Balancing with M. Oruch & M. Murphy, IL 
October 30, 2025November 2, 2025 Zero Balancing Expanded: Addressing the Skull with Linda Wobeskya & Dorsett Edmunds, AZ 
November 6, 2025November 9, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with M. Murphy, MN 
November 6, 2025November 9, 2025 Zero Balancing I, with L. Wobeskya, CA 
November 8, 2025
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The Touch of Inclusion: Expanding the Circle of Connection in Healing Work with M. Murphy and M. Rhoads 
December 14, 2025
3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Meaningful Communication: How to Talk About Zero Balancing with M. Doucette, Online 
January 24, 2026January 31, 2026 ZB by the Sea with M. Oruch, MX 

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