Interface - May 2023
Happy 94th birthday to ZB Founder
Dr. Fritz Smith on May 11
ZB Transformation
ZB IS 50! (1973 to 2023 and beyond)
A letter to the ZB community from Founder Dr. Fritz Smith
2023 is the 50th anniversary of Zero Balancing –
our Golden Jubilee!!! It is a time of celebration
and a time to give thanks to the hundreds of
people who have made this possible – ZB
Practitioners, ZB Teachers and Students,
Committee Members, ZB Staff, Authors, Clients,
and, of course, The Zero Balancing Touch
Foundation, and our International ZB
Associations. It is a time to give extra special
recognition to those folks who have worn
multiple hats during this time. ZB continues to
prove its healing effectiveness and remains a springboard of creativity. With
this 50-year history, the future of Zero Balancing looks very promising. I wish
we could all be here for its 75th anniversary – the Sapphire Jubilee!!