ZBTF Sponsors Ongoing Research for Zero Balancing!
Preceding the first offering of Zero Balancing and Consciousness by Dr. Fritz Frederick Smith - an exciting initial data collection study on Zero Balancing was conducted in Austin, TX.
Preceding the first offering of Zero Balancing and Consciousness by Dr. Fritz Frederick Smith - an exciting initial data collection study on Zero Balancing was conducted in Austin, TX.
Sponsored by the Zero Balancing Touch Foundation and hosted by the Lauterstein-Conway School of Massage, two path breaking researchers, Stuart Reynolds and James Strickland, worked with ZB faculty members Tom Gentile and Mary Murphy by monitoring both ZB practitioner and client with wrist sensors designed for measuring and recording physiological changes during 4 ZB sessions. The data was captured to help begin to understand what is occuring within a ZB session for both practitioner and client.
Data analysis continues with the intention to generate hypotheses to be considered as to how to proceed to best further ongoing research design.