Annual Zero Balancing Community Benefit
November 9 and 10
2:00-5:00pm ET
Please join us for our 2024 benefit "Connecting the Magic: A Journey Through ZB," a transformative virtual gathering designed to enlighten, engage, and empower.
Has an online educational event ever felt like an adventure to you? We hope to create such an experience. You’ll be exposed to teachers from different regions of the country that offer new insights. You’ll learn practical ways to refill your well. We’ll focus on building camaraderie with each other and the ZB community.
For those that are new here, our community benefit is an annual tradition. This event is currently held virtually, and we use it as a time of gathering and development. As a smaller organization, we need the funds that are collected for the benefit to sustain our yearly operational budget. So we strive to build an event that will feel worth your time. Thank you for helping us and hopefully we will help you to deepen your connection to the magic inherent within ZB. True embodied medicine.
Even if you can't attend live, everyone who registers will have access to the recording of the event.
2024 Program Announcements:
While a confirmed program is coming soon, we're excited to share some updates with you:
- Megan Lavery will be moderating a panel with TT1 and TT2 teachers to take us on a journey through 'Early ZB History'
- 'Self-Assessment as a Tool to Mastery' is a skillset two certified mentors, Chris Allen and Alison Mott, will present what has been developed, as well as what the certified mentors have been using.
- Mary Murphy and Misty Rhoads will be sharing their time with us on 'Healing the Collective with Skilled Touch'
- Linda Wobeskya is offering a new class, and is giving all attendees a first look at 'Expanding Perception: Kinesthetic Signatures in the Body'
- Our movement breaks will include dance, yoga and qi gong with Lisa Bardarson and Carla Van Arnam
- Michele Doucette, Rebekah Harbor, Jim McCormick, Michael Oruch, and Judith Sullivan will be offering mini samplers of their advanced classes, sharing valuable insights and previews
2024 Program Breakdown
Saturday, November 9
2pm: Welcome | Pyramid
2:10pm: Informative Session
2:45pm: Biobreak
2:50pm: Informative Session & Hands-On Skill
3:25pm: Movement Break
3:40pm: Informative Session
4:10pm: Informative Session & Hands-On Skill
4:30pm: Biobreak
4:35pm: Informative Session, Hands-On Skill, Take Away Work
Sunday, November 10
2pm: Welcome | Pyramid
2:10pm: Informative Session & Community Building Skill
2:45pm: Biobreak
2:50pm: Informative Session & Hands-On Skill
3:05pm: Learn a Skill
3:35pm: Movement Break
3:50pm: Informative Session & Hands-On Skill
4:25pm: Biobreak
4:30pm: Community Building
4:55pm: Gratitude and Closing
A Message from your 2024 ZBCB Planning Committee
Join us for our annual Zero Balancing Community Benefit on November 9 and 10 from 2:00 - 5:00 pm EST where deepening relationships and strengthening our community is our priority, all while offering valuable new insights on ways to nourish and drive self-fulfillment in your ZB practice.