Event Calendar

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Third Sunday Open Forum - ZB Peer Mentoring with Chris Allen and Alison Mott

Start Date: 8/18/2024 3:50 PM EDT
End Date: 8/18/2024 5:00 PM EDT

Venue Name: Virtual

Organization Name: Zero Balancing Health Association

ZBHA Office
Phone: (410) 381-8956

Third Sundays
ZBHA monthly Open Forums series

August 2024

Peer Mentoring in the Zero Balancing Community

with Chris Allen and Alison Mott

Join us for a conversation about how to leverage the powerful tool of peer mentoring to hear yourself at a deeper level, making insights more readily available. Certified Zero Balancing Mentors and Mentor Advancement Program (MAP) faculty have been building the field of mentoring in our community, including through the practice of peer mentoring.
Alison Mott and Chris Allen have co-chaired the ZBHA Mentoring Committee since graduating from the first MAP training.  They have seen the benefits of peer mentoring and encourage more ZBers to engage in it.  Alison and Chris will lead this discussion and look forward to sharing their ideas and experiences.

Non-Member: $25
Certified ZBers/ZBHA members: $20
 Use Promo Code ThirdSundayMbr
Certification Candidates may use their discount code when registering. The code can be found on your Certification Program Committee page.

If you're unable to attend the live session, still consider registering to access the full recording. Only those who register in advance will have acces to the recording.

About Third Sundays:
ZBHA Faculty and Mentors will host an Open Forum each month to explore, discuss and answer questions about Zero Balancing. Each session will have a frame for the discussions. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions, share with other ZB practitioners, and lean into the ZB community.


Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 8/18/2024 3:30 PM

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