Event Calendar

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Third Sunday Open Forum - Survivors of Trauma and the Dissociative State with Donna Cerio

Start Date: 1/21/2024 3:50 PM EST
End Date: 1/21/2024 5:00 PM EST

Venue Name: Virtual

Organization Name: Zero Balancing

ZBHA Office
Phone: (410) 381-8956

Third Sundays
ZBHA monthly series of Online Open Forums

January Open Forum: Survivors of Trauma and the Dissociative State
with Dr. Donna Cerio
Survivors of trauma may experience dissociation, which is a common coping mechanism rooted in the trauma. Dissociation is a mental process of disconnecting from one's thoughts, feelings, memories and/or sense of identity. It is one of the ways the brain copes with the excessive stress during a traumatic event.
 Let us explore the dissociative state from a personal and professional prospective.  Come and join the conversation about ZB with survivors of trauma.

Price: $20 for ZBHA members (use code ThirdSundayMbr) / $25 for non-members
Certification Candidates may use their discount codes when registering for Third Sunday Open Forum Events. Codes can be found in the Certification Program Committee page.
If you're unable to attend the live session, still consider registering to access the full recording.

About Third Sundays:

A member of the ZBHA Faculty will host an Open Forum each month to explore, discuss and answer questions about Zero Balancing. Each session will have a frame for the discussions. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions, share with other ZB practitioners, and lean into the ZB community.
In this hour-long gathering we will:

• Start with a pyramid meditation
• Guest faculty will frame the discussion by sharing a few opening thoughts / musings / insights about an aspect of Zero Balancing that is currently of interest to them.
• Have small group discussions in breakout rooms
• Return to large group where Faculty will field questions and discussion that arise from break-out rooms
• Have some time after for integration, feedback & sharing 
• Participate in a brief closing ritual 


Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 1/21/2024 3:30 PM

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