Start Date: 1/27/2023 9:00 AM CST
End Date: 2/4/2023 12:00 PM CST
Venue Name: Mar de Jade
1430 Spring Hill Rd
Chacala, Mexico
Organization Name:
Michael Oruch
If you have registered and paid a $350.00 deposit for ZB By The Sea. Please click this link to pay your remaining balance of $800.00 by December 15, 2022!
When booking travel arrangements, please refer to the details below on travel dates.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed all of our lives in so many ways. Zero Balancing classes are no exception. COVID-19 has impacted the manner in which we are able to offer in-person ZB classes and has provided new challenges in how we safeguard the health of our students, our classes and our faculty.
In order to register for this class, you will need to have read and agreed to the Covid In Class Protocols, Guidelines and Waiver.

ZB by the Sea is the annual residential ZB program in Mexico. The name stays the same, but the context ever evolves. The program is designed to be a multidimensional experience of deepening one's understanding of ZB and creating a container for personal growth, rejuvenation and change. This is all done in an atmosphere and environment of support, both by nature and your peers, while using time-honored rituals to enhance the wonders and intensity of the retreat. Highlights include a Day of Conscious Choice, a Temescal (sweat lodge), whale watching, and a night of music and dancing.
We have come to realize that from the moment you register for this program, the Universe begins to act on our behalf providing insights and events around your intentions. We encourage you to make an early $350 registration deposit (fully refundable less cancellation fee until December 15, 2022) to advise us and the Universe of your intention.
Mar de Jade is located near the fishing village of Chacala, Mexico on the Pacific coast 60 miles north of Puerto Vallarta. Transportation will be arranged by Mar de Jade when they have your pertinent travel information; the price is contingent on how many people are in an individual taxi. This lovely center features a beach, swimming pool, hot tub, steam room, Aztec sweat lodge, maid-attended rooms with ocean views, massage, hiking, whale watching and yoga. The program emphasizes both in-depth teaching and practice of ZB along with rest, rejuvenation and fun, to counter the stress from our busy hectic lives at home. Come join us for “ZB by the Sea”!
Zero Balancing I and II. ZB by the Sea welcomes both returning and new participants.
2023 Dates:
January 27 - February 4, 2023. As this is a very busy time of year for the Retreat Center they may not be able to facilitate early arrival or late departure requests but please call for availability. Class will begin with a dinner on January 27th, and departure on February 4th.
Location: Mar De Jade Retreat Center Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico 800-257-0532
Tuition Cost: $1150. Secure your spot now for a deposit of $350.00 made via credit card by clicking 'register now'.
Full tuition payment is due by December 30, 2022.
Tuition Refund Policy: Tuition is fully refundable less a $100 cancellation fee until December 15.
All rooms must be booked with the Retreat Center and accompanied by a 50% deposit. Room information may be found at Mar de Jade website or you may call 800-257-0532. All of the rooms are lovely and most have an ocean view.