Event Calendar

Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Pubic Bone, with Linda Wobeskya

Start Date: 9/30/2023 1:00 PM EDT
End Date: 9/30/2023 5:00 PM EDT

Organization Name: Linda Wobeskya

Linda Wobeskya
Phone: (415) 599-6501

The Pubic Bone

Course Title: The Pubic Bone
Virtual class
Date: September 30, 2023
Time: 1pm-5pm ET, 10am-2pm PT
Length: 4 hours
Cost: $100.00
The registration process for this class requires either full tuition payment or a promo code indicating that you have made arrangements to pay the teacher directly. Contact the teacher if you want to make such arrangements.

Upon registering for this class, please be sure to complete our online photo release here.

Join us for a fascinating in-depth look at the pubic bone! The pubic bone and pubic symphysis may often be overlooked as a source of structural and energetic imbalance. While imbalances may improve with Core ZB, there are times when specific fulcrums into this area are extremely helpful. In this 4-hour virtual course we will refresh and deepen our understanding of the structural and energetic anatomy as a foundation for learning to evaluate and balance the pubic bone within the context of the Core Zero Balancing protocol. 

You will learn:

  • Pertinent structural and energetic anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic cavity
  • Respectful approaches to palpating the pubic bone
  • How to evaluate the need for pubic bone fulcrums
  • Pubic bone fulcrums
  • Examples of clients likely to benefit from specific work on the pubic bone

Video demonstrations and hands-on practice will be included. The registration confirmation email will contain specifics as to when the hands-on portion will occur to enable participants to invite volunteers to receive table work.

Register now! Class size is limited!


Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 9/30/2023 9:00 AM

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