Event Calendar

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Art of Zero Balancing with J. McCormick and M. Oruch, CA

Start Date: 5/4/2024 7:00 PM PDT
End Date: 5/10/2024 9:00 AM PDT

Venue Name: Joshua Tree Retreat Center

59700 29 Palms Highway
Joshua Tree, CA  United States  92252

Organization Name: Zero Balancing Residential Retreat

Jim McCormick & Michael Oruch
Phone: (508) 736-6968

In order to register for this class, you will need to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the
ZBHA Health and Participation Policy and the
ZBHA Tuition & Refund Policies.

Prerequisites: ZB I & ZB II    
Tuition: $750
Room & Board:  $1350 
Total Tuition (including meals):  $2100
Please note all accommodations will be singles with either private or shared bath.

ZB Faculty: use the Promo Code ZBHA250 for the discounted tuition price.

The Art of Zero Balancing continually evolves with our expanding experience and understanding of the body/mind relationships of energy
 and structure. The desired outcome is to have you move ZB from a practice form to an art form, for your clients to have a deeper sense of personal health and well-being, and for you to tap into the flow of creativity that Zero Balancing presents. The goal is to expand your understanding of ZB to enhance your practice and your life. 


This is a residential Master Class retreat with Jim & Michael. They will present their latest ZB thoughts, theories, fulcrums, and exercises to enhance and deepen your understanding and execution of Zero Balancing.


Being a residential retreat is very special. It allows for hang out time, building community, swapping ZB's anytime, and unknown exciting happenings. Included in the retreat will be personal growth exercises and a partial day of mindfulness. Previous workshops have shown the power and joy of being together in a magical place.


The Art of Zero Balancing gives you the opportunity to allow your sessions become your personal expression informed by experience and creativity.

This Residential Course begins with dinner on May 4 at 7:00 p.m.

Class ends with breakfast on May 10. Class times on other days will vary but most commonly 9am -12:30pm and 3pm - 6pm. There will be some night classes.
If you should have any questions, contact:

Jim McCormick at  508-736-6968 and/or
Michael Oruch at  212-219-8145


This event is full. Registrations will be added to the waiting list.

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 5/4/2024 12:00 PM

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