Start Date: 6/6/2024 9:00 AM EDT
End Date: 6/9/2024 3:00 PM EDT
Venue Name: Eden- private residence
PO Box 869
497 Boyd Hill Rd
Wilmington, VT United States 05363-0869
Organization Name:
MicheleDoucette DC
Sponsor: Michele Doucette
In order to register for this class, you will need to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the
ZBHA Health and Participation Policy and the
ZBHA Tuition & Refund Policies.
COURSE TITLE: Zero Balancing - Geometry of Healing Advanced Palpation Skills
PRICE: 795.00, Super Saver: $595, Early: $695, Repeat: $350
The registration process for this class requires either full tuition payment or a promo code indicating that you have made arrangements to pay the teacher directly. Contact the teacher if you want to make such arrangements.
For SuperSaver pricing (through April 6) use PROMO CODE: ZBHASuperSaver for a $200.00 discount.
For Early Registration pricing (through May 6) use PROMO CODE: ZBHA100
If you are repeating this class and have taken a ZB class in the past 5 years, use code ZBHARepeat at checkout. If you have made arrangements to pay the teacher directly, use PROMO CODE ZBHATeach
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Geometry of Healing (GOH) is an advanced-level Zero Balancing course that teaches students how to work directly with the vibratory/energetic fields of the body. We define fields and then learn how to access and evaluate vibratory fields, obtain information contained therein, and how to balance and clarify the designated field or material. We will explore the concept of free standing waves forms and learn how to access and balance them directly. You’ll also learn how to work with slowed vibratory fields to access “the gap,” an experience of stepping beyond time, space, and information — a field of pure potential. Much of the theoretical material presented is based on quantum physics, holograms, field theory, and how they can inform the world of touch.
You will learn:
- Theory of vibratory fields, their nature and behavior
- Accessing, evaluating and navigating fields through touch
- Use of touch to create openings or ‘windows’ into the field to amplify possibility
- Entering and experiencing the ‘gap’ within the field to access pure potential
- Compression of fields and their application in your sessions
- Obtaining information from within the field to inform your touch
- To recognize your own body signals as feedback to guide your work
- Teachings designed to deepen your basic ZB skills and facility with the ZB protocol
Contact person for questions about the content of the class or registration: Michele Doucette 802-464-2361
Class hours: 9am - 5pm on day 1-3, 9am - 3pm on day 4.
What Participants say about Geometry of Healing:
"Michele Doucette’s teaching of Geometry of Healing has taken my ZB practice to a new level of awareness. Her attention to detail for hand placement and formation of fulcrum in reviewing familiar fulcrums primes the pump for adding the fourth dimension of energy field in the fulcrum. My felt sense and cognitive understanding of what I am holding in the session for the person on the table took a holographic leap and, along with exercises crafted for experiencing shifts in perspective, I came away from the class with a new awareness of the possibilities for healing through ZB."
--Shirley Lynch, Certified ZB Practitioner and Mentor
“This has been one of the most powerful, magical and scientific ZB classes I have taken. Principles of quantum physics and field theory that could potentially be hard to grasp gain power in that we can access them with our hands through the body.” -Amanda King, LMT
“I have learned to find things in the body I overlooked or brushed off before. I have definitely fine-tuned my skills." -Sherry Raymond, MT
“We got the whole world in 4 days! Geometry of Healing has given me very clear specific avenues with which to deepen my momentary and overall understanding of structure, energy, how they interface and how to address difficulties. It adds new dimension to how I approach life and work within life.” -Katharine Birdsall