Thursday, 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday & Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Zero Balancing II is the second half of the Core Zero Balancing program. In ZB II, you will refine your skills performing the fulcrums from ZB I while learning new fulcrums that will complete the Zero Balancing Core Protocol. You will expand your understanding of how and why Zero Balancing is so effective.
Note: ZB II is highly recommended for all ZB practitioners who have not taken a ZB course in a while as it includes the most up-to-date methods for performing Zero Balancing.
You will learn:
- A review of the basic ZB protocol with an emphasis on quality of touch, focus and positioning of the practitioner
- To deepen your understanding of ZB theory, principles and techniques
- Additional techniques and an expanded protocol to address more of the body
- New skills and coordination in handling energy and structure
- How to frame or set goals for a ZB session
- To advance your ability to work with expanded states of consciousness
- To give and receive constructive peer feedback
- To acquire experience in preparation for advanced study
What Participants say about ZB II:
“New fulcrums = more possibilities for treatment.” -Alan Willoughby
“I feel that ZB will benefit most people physically and emotionally and I will be incorporating ZB in my practice.” -Ted Suga
“Wonderful review, great insights into ZB and clarification of principles.” Marcia Ferry
“The fuller attention to theory, the honor of the work, the clean, clear intentions – not only apply in my practice but my life.” -Katie Clark
“This course expands my ‘toolbox’. It gives me more confidence in my bodywork.” -Ann Alesio, LMT
“Whether I’m doing ZB or CST or VM or a mix it has given me a framework with which to work and improved my palpation skills. So many of the ZB techniques (all!) are applicable to the pain patients I treat.” -Martha Plescia