Event Calendar

Monday, May 26, 2025

Zero Balancing I, W. S. Tribelhorn & L. Berger, NY

Start Date: 5/23/2025 9:30 AM EDT
End Date: 5/26/2025 4:00 PM EDT

Venue Name: The Assisi Institute

1400 N. Winton Rd.
Rochester, NY  United States  14609

Organization Name: Zero Balancing Health Association

Wendy SatCharn Tribelhorn
Phone: (585) 750-7300

Zero Balancing I
Taught by Wendy Tribelhorn & Lisa Berger

May 23-26 (Friday - Monday)

Prerequisite: None. Knowledge of anatomy and experiencing a ZB session helpful.


Super Saver: $595 (save $200) thru March 23. Use code ZBHA200 at checkout.
Early Registration:  $695 (save $100) thru April 23.  Use code ZBHA100 at checkout.
Repeating ZB I: $350. Use promo code ZBHARepeat if you are repeating ZBI OR have taken any other ZB course in the past five years. If you are repeating please register by April 23.
Contact SatCharn Tribelhorn if you would prefer to pay by check, Paypal, or Venmo. You will then complete your registration using a special code.
In order to register for this class, you will need to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following:
ZBHA Health and Participation Policy;
ZBHA Tuition & Refund Policies; and the
ZBHA/ZBTF's Terms and Conditions.
Welcome from Lisa and SatCharn:

Whether you are new to Zero Balancing (ZB) or wish to refresh your skills, we invite you to join us for a lively class with two instructors. Lisa, a Rochester native, practices ZB along with acupuncture and other energy arts in western Massachusetts and has been teaching ZB since 2004. Also a Rochester native, Wendy SatCharn formerly taught yoga and meditation and has a ZB/therapeutic bodywork practice at The Assisi Institute. She is committed to building the ZB community in New York State.

Zero Balancing I is the first half of the 50-hour Core Zero Balancing program and the first course of the Zero Balancing curriculum. ZB I introduces you to the technique, theory, touch skills and history of the art and science of Zero Balancing. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to perform a full-body Zero Balancing session and experience what it feels like to receive Zero Balancing fulcrums and sessions. Class size is small to provide plenty of hands-on attention. 

The instructors will deliver clear presentations and demonstrations of Zero Balancing evaluations and techniques, along with a detailed study guide to inform your ongoing practice.  

You will learn: 

Theory and principles of Zero Balancing body/mind therapy

To distinguish body energy and body structure through touch 

The skill of using energy as a working tool 

The structural and energetic anatomy of the skeleton 

The theory and application of Zero Balancing techniques called fulcrums

How to give a 30-minute ZB session that addresses the whole body 

What Participants say about ZB I: 

“This work will enhance my ability to treat many clients on a much deeper level, especially my MS clients who need deep but not hard connections.” — Mary Jane Edge

“Using the understanding of touching structure and energy at the interface will be helpful in all my work – as a nurse and in my bodywork practice.” — Sandra Denner, RN

“I needed to hear the concept of interface and clarity of presence and energy! I feel my work will be refocused and re-energized!” — Cathy Schneider

“This course has completely changed my view and perspective of my practice.” — Alan Willoughby

“I feel the structure and energy [of Zero Balancing] will help get some patients past a plateau I have reached with massage.”— Chris Wilson



Day 1 (Friday) please arrive and get settled between 9:00 and 9:20. Day 1 class runs from 9:30 to 5:30.

Days 2-3 (Saturday+Sunday)) class runs from 9:00-5:00.

Day 4 (Monday) class runs from 9:00-4:00
On-site Lodging
Single/double rooms with private shower available for $50-65/night. Vegetarian-only kitchen onsite. Contact:

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