Event Calendar

Sunday, May 4, 2025

(Full Series) Protocol Review with M. Oruch, Online

Start Date: 12/1/2024 1:30 PM EST
End Date: 5/4/2025 3:30 PM EDT

Venue Name: Online

Organization Name: Zero Balancing Health Association

Michael Oruch
Phone: (917) 533-8911

COURSE TITLE: Protocol Review Series with M. Oruch
ABBREVIATION: Protocol Review with M. Oruch
LENGTH: Six 2-hour online classes, one per month for six months
PRICE: $275 for the series of six; or $50 individually


Registration for the series gives you access to the recordings of each class, watchable through December 1, 2025 (one year from the first class.) It will also include access to Michael's previously recorded class, "The Hip." 
A Note from Michael Oruch:
Dr. Fritz Smith used to say “everything you need to know about ZB is in the protocol” thereby implying and indicating if you knew it well you would discover all the 'advanced' stuff as you went along ....I have found this to be eminently true.
Series Details:
ZB is an ever informing, elucidating therapy that addresses people on The Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spirit levels and layers. This is built into Zero Balancing and by following our guidelines with good engagement of the Donkey, at the Bone level, with conscious touch at Interface, that feels good or hurts good, most people benefit in multiple ways and have a meaningful positive experience.
Michael will proceed through the protocol from beginning to end in digestible 2- hour segments with time to answer questions from the participants so that we all arrive at a deeper understanding of Zero Balancing and how to execute a session with more clarity, understanding, and comfort with the basics.
Each class will begin with a pyramid meditation and end with a Q&A period.
Schedule - all classes take place 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Eastern:
Class 1 | December 1 2024 | Introduction of ZB and the Seated Evaluation.
In this section we will review how to talk to a first time client, cover some framing basics, review the Seated Evaluation both in terms of theory and execution.
Class 2 | January 5 2025 | Tibial Compression (saying hello) & First Half Moon Vector.
In this section we will discuss the benefit of ‘ saying hello’ with Tibial compression and Michael will explain how he does this and why. Then we will discuss the First HMV, what we are doing with it and an in depth review of how it is done.
Class 3 | February 9 2025 | ASIS-SI-DH-LUMBAR
In this section we will review the Evaluation and Fulcrums of this area with emphasis on landmarks, hand/body positions, multiple passes, working on one side of the body, monitoring working signs, and a general discussion of things to remember.
The HIP (Previously Recorded)
This has previously been covered with an in depth review of the Hip evaluations and the three Basic Hip Fulcrums with an emphasis on body/hand positions, timing, monitoring , and sequencing .
Class 4 | March 2 2025 | The FEET
In this section we will review the Foot evaluation and all the basic Foot fulcrums, the Two handed, the Ice Cream scoops both single and double, and the Toe Nestle, all with an emphasis on hand/body position, timing, monitoring.
Class 5 |  April 6 2025 | Upper Back & Neck
The upper back and neck are treated as one inter functioning related unit. We will review the evaluation of these areas and the various fulcrums clearly delineating landmarks, hand and body positions, rhythm, depth, timing and monitoring.
Class 6 | May 4 2025 | Arms and Closing Sequence
Finally in this last section we shall cover the Arm Fulcrums including Michael’s compression fulcrum as well as the standard ZB Arm fulcrum then move on to the Closing sequence where we will cover hand and body position, timing, and the final HMV which is distinct from the other two. Then we will cover Monitoring while the person is still on the table after the closeing , then walking, some potential verbal fulcrums, and what we share with each client in terms of after effects of the ZB, how many visits,final instructions to the client, and any other questions the students may have. 

What Participants say about the Protocol Review Series:
"I’m finding Michael Oruch’s Protocol Review class very helpful in further refining my understanding both of the basics and advanced concepts in the ZB protocol. I highly recommend this class for anyone looking to make their ZB’s more effective and engaging."  - Pat Dorsey, LMT, ZB Faculty

“I have found Michael Oruch’s protocol review series to be extremely helpful. Even though I’ve been practicing ZB since 2015, it feels so good to be in the room with other curious minds and to learn from the nuances of each other’s questions and Michael’s thoughtful responses and demonstrations. I find that incorporating little notes from each month is deepening my practice and making me more excited about the magic of ZB all over again.” - Cara Liguori, CZB, Somatic Practitioner, Dream Guide, writer and dancer


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