Start Date: 11/6/2025 10:00 AM EST
End Date: 11/9/2025 4:00 PM EST
CA United States 90272
Organization Name:
Linda Wobeskya
Course Title: Zero Balancing I
Abbreviation: ZB I with Linda Wobeskya
Type: In-Person Class
Course Length: 4 Days
Education Credits: 25 CEUs
Prerequisites: None
Price:$795, Super Saver $595, Early $695, Repeat $350
Use promo code ZBHA200 by September 6, 2025 for SuperSaver Rate.
Use promo code ZBHA100 by October 5, 2025 for EarlyBird Rate.
Use promo Code ZBHARepeat.
Repeat Tuition Price is offered when registering for a ZB class already taken and if the student has taken a ZB class within the past 5 years. Both criteria need to be met.
In order to register for this class, you will need to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the
ZBHA Health and Participation Policy and the
ZBHA Tuition & Refund Policies; as well as the
ZBHA Terms & Conditions.
Zero Balancing is the first half of the Core Zero Balancing program and the first course of the Core Zero Balancing curriculum. ZB I introduces you to the technique, theory, touch skills and history of the art and science of Zero Balancing. In these hands-on workshops, you will learn how to perform Zero Balancing sessions and experience what it feels like to receive a Zero Balancing session.
The instructor will deliver clear presentations and demonstrations of Zero Balancing evaluations and techniques, along with a detailed study guide to inform your ongoing practice.
You will learn:
- A basic treatment protocol that addresses the whole body in about 30 minutes
- Theory and principles of ZB
- To distinguish body energy and body structure through touch
- The skill of using energy as a working tool
- The energetic anatomy of the skeleton
- The theory and application of Zero Balancing techniques called fulcrums
- How to give a ZB session that addresses the whole body
From Linda:
Are you a Physical Therapist seeking a modality to help your clients who aren’t improving? A massage therapist who wants a method that is easier on their hands and bodies while requiring less laundry? An acupuncturist desiring a means to incorporate treatment for structure as well as energy? Discover Zero Balancing! This simple, powerful, elegant tool has exceeded my expectations and enabled me to help my clients and patients in so many ways. Studying ZB has facilitated in me a deep sense of presence and compassion and served as an invaluable tool for professional and personal growth.
What people are saying about Linda:
"She brings an invaluable presence and focus to her instruction which in turn instills passion for this genre of body/energy work in her students. I would highly recommend taking any course that Ms. Wobeskya would offer now and in the future." -Terry Atencio, RN
What Participants say about ZB I:
“This work will enhance my ability to treat many clients on a much deeper level, especially my MS clients who need deep but not hard connections.” -Mary Jane Edge
“Using the understanding of touching structure and energy at the interface will be helpful in all my work – as a nurse and in my bodywork practice.” -Sandra Denner, RN
“I needed to hear the concept of interface and clarity of presence and energy! I feel my work will be refocused and re-energized!” -Cathy Schneider
“This course has completely changed my view and perspective of my practice.” - Alan Willoughby
“I feel the structure and energy [of Zero Balancing] will help get some patients past a plateau I have reached with massage.” -Chris Wilson