Event Calendar

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Alchemy of Touch, with D. Edmunds, AZ -- CANX

Start Date: 2/21/2025 9:00 AM EST
End Date: 2/23/2025 6:00 PM EST

2612 E. Drachman Street
Tucson, AZ  United States  85716

Organization Name: Zero Balancing Health Association

Dorsett Edmunds
Phone: (520) 661-6197

In order to register for this class, you will need to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the
ZBHA Health and Participation Policy and the
ZBHA Tuition & Refund Policies.

COURSE TITLE: Alchemy of Touch
ABBREVIATION: Alchemy of Touch
PRICE: $795.00

SuperSaver $595.00 Use code ZBHA200 by December 21, 2024
EarlyBird $695.00 Use code ZBHA100 by January 21, 2025
Repeat $350.00 Use code ZBHARepeat if you have taken Alchemy of Touch previously AND any other ZB course within the past five years.



Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

A note from Dorsett

Joining our class as an assistant will be Patty Atkins, Zero Balancing practitioner since 1999 and experienced teaching assistant to several ZB I and II classes. Patty is a Massage Therapist, Cranio-Sacral certified practitioner as well as a SED Practitioner. She also is an accomplished Zhi Gong practitioner. Her passion is Zero Balancing and we are very fortunate to have her joining and assisting this advanced ZB class.

Course Description

Alchemy of Touch expands basic Zero Balancing principles to work with amplified fields of vibration within the body and shows you how to create fulcrums that work with these amplified and therefore empowered fields. It provides clients with a direct experience of the healing state. In addition to presenting new material, Alchemy of Touch enables you to deepen foundation Zero Balancing skills through demonstrations and exchanges of Zero Balancing.

Alchemy of Touch is the second of three courses related to energy fields: Core Zero Balancing addresses the existing relationships between body energy fields and body structure; Alchemy of Touch introduces strategies to amplify the vibratory fields and to work with empowered fields; Geometry of Healing introduces working with the vibratory fields themselves, including the exploration of the space between vibrations and the information found therein.

You Will Learn:

  • Alchemical principles and their modern-day applications
  • The theory, purpose and therapeutic use of energy amplification
  • How to use bone as an energy conduit
  • How to amplify vibration, both locally and generally in the body
  • How to contain and establish boundaries of energy
  • In-depth exploration of framing (a session) while working with a client's personal history
  • To monitor shifts of consciousness and expanded states
  • To recognize working signs of amplified fields in your clients

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 2/9/2025 12:00 PM

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