Event Calendar

Saturday, February 1, 2025

ZB by the Sea: A Restorative Experience, with M. Oruch, MX

Start Date: 1/25/2025 6:00 PM CST
End Date: 2/1/2025 10:00 AM CST

Venue Name: Mar de Jade

Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico  63708

Organization Name: Michael Oruch

Michael Oruch
Phone: (212) 219-8145

In order to register for this class, you will need to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the
ZBHA Health and Participation Policy and the
ZBHA Tuition & Refund Policies.

ZB by the Sea is the annual residential ZB program in Mexico. The name stays the same, but the context ever evolves. The program is designed to be a multidimensional experience of deepening one's understanding of ZB and creating a container for personal growth, rejuvenation and change. This is all done in an atmosphere and environment of support, both by nature and your peers, while using time-honored rituals to enhance the wonders and intensity of the retreat. Highlights include a Day of Conscious Choice, a Temazcal (sweat lodge), whale watching, and a night of music and dancing.

This years theme will be ‘The Way of ZB - The Practice of Zero Balancing’. As we know the principles and even the physical practice of ZB are life enhanincg. This class will highlight and teach ways to make your ZB sessions even more healing and effective with new fulcrums to further this process.
Peter Woodgate will be assisting Michael for the week. 

Mar de Jade is located near the fishing village of Chacala Mexico on the Pacific coast 60 mi. north of Puerto Vallarta. Transportation is provided from the PV airport. This lovely center features a beach, swimming pool, hot tub, steam room, and Aztec sweat lodge, maid attended rooms with ocean views, massage, hiking, whale watching and yoga.

$1,050. The program is 7 nights this year. Room & board are separately paid for and coordinated directly with Mar de Jade. It is important that you secure your accommodations at Mar de Jade before registering for the class. More details below.

A $350 deposit is required to register for the class, which you can pay by clicking the "Register Now" button.

We have come to realize that from the moment you register for this program, the Universe begins to act on our behalf providing insights and events around your intentions. Registration via this page requires only a deposit of $350. After December 15, you will then pay the remainder of the tuition directly to Michael Oruch by check or Paypal.

Zero Balancing I and II. ZB by the Sea welcomes both returning and new participants.

January 25 (dinner) - February 1 (departure day), 2025. As this is a very busy time of year for the Retreat Center they may not be able to facilitate early arrival or late departure requests but please call for availability.  

Room & Board:

Mar de Jade is modest-sized and space is limited. We are sharing the facility with other groups and only have a limited number of allocated rooms. We encourage you to make an early room reservation with Mar de Jade to secure your space at the center. While they are holding ZB By The Sea rooms until October 30, 2024, it is highly recommended to secure a space prior to that date if possible.

All rooms must be booked directly with the Retreat Center and accompanied by a deposit. Here are contact options to book your accommodations:
1. Book Online (if you are sharing a room and want Mar de Jade to charge each of you half, do not use this link, please call or email instead.)
2. Call 1800-257-0532
3. Email


Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 1/24/2025 12:00 PM

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