Start Date: 10/28/2023 2:00 PM EDT
End Date: 10/29/2023 5:00 PM EDT
Venue Name: Virtual
Organization Name:
Zero Balancing Health Association
Our 2023 Zero Balancing Community Benefit Registration is Open!
When: October 28 & 29, 2pm - 5pm EST
Where: Zoom
Theme: Celebrating 50 Years Of Practice & Passion
- Full Event
- One Day
- $75 (Use ZBHA50 at checkout)
Full Program:
- 2:00pm: Opening, with Karen Senffner and Sheila Lukasiewich
- 2:20pm: The Hands - Anatomy, Fulcrums, Meditation and Mudras, with David Lauterstein
The hands in concert with the mind, heart, and soul are the most sophisticated tools in the known universe. Sometimes we forget how creative and unique each touch is. In this workshop we will explore the infinite movements of our hands and wrists. We will see the parallels with playing musical instruments, with sculpting, with dance and with yoga mudras. We will revisit the anatomy of the foundation joints here - the relationship of the 8 carpal bones to the radius, the ulna, and to the 5 metacarpals. We will work on ourselves and, if possible on partners or clients. This class will help invigorate your work and inspire a whole new level of creativity to every fulcrum!
- 3:10pm: Passion Statement | Movement Break, with Jo Johnson
- 3:30pm: The Healing Power of ZB in Vestibular disorders, with Mary Behrens
In this session, Mary will give an overview of the issues that ZB can help with, as well as applying ZB principles in understanding the unique nature of many clients with dizziness.
- 4:00pm: Breakout Session - Share Your Passion
- 4:20pm: Advanced Aging Continued: Compassionate Self-Care, with Ida Smith
In the land of Zero Balancing, it is evident that how we “Be” affects the outcome of our ZB sessions. As we learn to notice and feel our somatic truth we are automatically guided in useful self-caretaking. This in fact is the path to being a useful support to another.
Through meditation and short exercises we will explore some of the various energy models we utilize in Zero Balancing from the elemental paradigm of Energy/Structure to the variety of energy center models and body/mind layer models we may access to assist in working with clients and ourselves.
This session will address customizing the closing sequence to meet the needs of clients experiencing and/or recovering from personal and/or existential trauma. Donna will present the specific needs of this client population during closure. You will learn to use customized fulcrums closure to insure that as your client’s system re-orientates around the shifts and changes from their ZB session, they leave with a container that holds them steady and functional while re-orientation continues through the next hours and days.
Pregnancy, birth and the year following birth (post partum) bring some of the most intense structural, emotional hormonal and energetic changes a person can experience in their life.
Zero Balancing is uniquely suited to supporting a person to move through these changes with ease and support.
However a ZB session with someone going through pregnancy, and post partum, is a little bit different! First there are two people involved, the needs and focus of the body are different. In third trimester women can’t lay on their back for long and adaptations must be made.
When you understand the details of physiological, hormonal and energetic changes, you are perfectly placed to provide safe and effective Zero Balancing for people going through these important life stages.
In this mini class, Rebekah will share just a tiny piece of that. Instead of jumping into specific fulcrums, she will look at the What I believe to be the most critical support we can provide.
We Invite You To Join Us In 2023, Where We Will Celebrate 50 Years Of Practice & Passion!
Click Here for more information!